Components of catechesis in preparation for First Reconciliation include:
- Learn of God’s unconditional love for us
.- Learn of Sacramental forgiveness and reconciliation.
- Recognize the presence of good and evil in the world and their personal capacity for both.
- Recognize the need for forgiveness, not only from parents and others but from God.
- Explore the meaning of the symbols, gestures, prayers, and scriptures of the Rite of Reconciliation.
- Learn that the faithful are “obliged to confess all serious sins committed after baptism”.
- Learn that true forgiveness comes from repentance, confession, reparation, and absolution.
- Learn that a mortal sin is of a grave matter committed with full knowledge and deliberate consent.
- Learn that the priest is given the faculties to forgive in the name of Christ.
- Learn that a priest is bound by the seal of confession to keep absolute secrecy. (NDC 133-136)