As we walk through the Mass, we first gathered to welcome our host, Jesus Christ. Then we prepared ourselves to enter the mysteries of our faith by truthfully reflecting on our weaknesses. We present a contrite heart to the Lord asking for forgiveness and healing. Now, we sing like the angels sang at the first Christmas, Glory to God in the Highest and on Earth peace to people of good will. Heaven and earth together sing this hymn of great joy celebrating the eternal Presence of Jesus sent by the Father. We first address the song to the Father – we praise you, we bless you, we adore you, we glorify you. Then we turn to Jesus as the only begotten Son of the Father. We call Jesus, the Lamb of God and beg for mercy. This joyous song of praise ends with a doxology of the Trinity. As the Gloria ends, we are on the verge of beginning the Liturgy of the Word – but first this Praise! Advent serves as a time of anticipation therefore, we withhold the Gloria until on Christmas Eve, with blaring trumpets, the full force of the Gloria praises the Incarnation, the Emmanuel, God with us. Thus, the Gloria becomes especially dramatic and heartfelt as Advent turns to Christmas.