God looks at us – beyond our failures, faults and mistakes – with unconditional love and compassion. Unconditional love is the heart of our heavenly Father. Don’t berate yourself for poor choices. We are all works in progress – on a journey to God’s eternal Kingdom. Ask for God’s forgiveness, shake off guilt and shame, don’t walk timidly before God and trust in the help and grace of God as you move forward with your life.
Did you ever feel that you didn’t have the strength to go on? We question ourselves and our abilities. But, God has all the strength we will ever need for us to do what we have to do. God has known each of us from before the foundation of the world and he can mine the gold that is in each of us. It is up to each of us to let God‘s power work through us. Trust God to be there for us. Listen to Him speaking words of support and encouragement inside us. God is a faithful God. Be confident and don’t give up.
“I go before you to prepare a place for you.“ This quote of Jesus gives us great hope. The beauty of this promise is that Jesus keeps His promise. Civil elections, on the other hand, offer many promises – many of which won’t be kept by politicians. John 3:15 – the promise of God is fulfilled by Jesus who came to us in the form of a slave to show us how to live. Jesus died and was raised by the Father and therefore we have hope!
“Blessed are the peacemakers for they are the children of God.“ Are we willing to make and maintain peace - to walk in the path of blessing? We are not put on this earth to straighten everybody out – But – we do try to live in peace with everyone. Being a peacemaker gives us a sense of wholeness with God. Peace is our guide - a gift from Jesus. Peace is a powerful force that allows us to radiate blessing in difficult situations. We don’t have to choose to live in strife., confusion, bitterness and paranoia. Be in touch with the inner peace that Jesus gives us. When we walk in peace we walk in the fullness of God‘s blessing.
“What the world needs now is love, sweet love.“ “Love“ is the most common song lyric of the 20th and 21st centuries. In a theological sense love means “AGAPE“ – love that for us is a challenge since we see some people as “lovable“ while we see some others as very difficult to love. But, Jesus shows us the father’s love. God loves each of us profoundly, unconditionally and completely and He wants this love to be shared. God‘s love for us continues forever. How do I love another? Jesus says wash the feet of my brother and sister, sell what you have and give to the poor. “Love others as I have loved you.“ Love for Jesus reveals itself in the way we live our life – how we keep God‘s word. Love in all its forms shows in our worrying about, thinking about and helping others. The love that Jesus speaks of calls us to have dedication to service for our brothers and sisters in Christ.
“If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive.“ Mother Teresa of Calcutta
Have persistence in prayer. P U S H Pray Until Something Happens
God‘s ways are not our ways – we want instant justice and instant gratification.
God allows things to happen – both wheat and weeds are allowed to grow together until the harvest.
Jesus allows us to grow into holiness to become worthy of His Kingdom. God gives us time for conversion. God‘s mercy is available to us all our lives.
Jesus gives us a clear call to enter His Kingdom, while we still have a chance and allow ourselves to be molded. There will come a time when we will have to show our commitment to God. Are we living Kingdom values? Do we make a conscious choice to be part of the Kingdom, modify our lives and respond to God‘s call to be part of His Kingdom? Once we encounter God, who can ask for anything more? Once we put things before God there may be chaos and confusion. When we put our interest in things that glitter and glow, these things will never satisfy our heart. True wealth is keeping our minds, and hearts and focus on God. Once we do this, we will love and praise God and save our souls.
“Human beings should make choices in the name of love and justice in our quest for moral and spiritual greatness.” (Author of this quote unknown)