RANDOM THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS, by Deacon Sam August 8, 2023 Learning and growing in knowledge is a life-long process. We should direct our efforts to be more knowledgeable about God, our faith, our church. Jesus was humble and taught us the meaning of service. True wisdom is about service and expresses itself in humility. Jesus knows we carry burdens – He is the healer of our hearts, our minds and our souls. He wants us to turn to Him in our need; He always has time for us and He always welcomes us no matter what we may have done. Jesus describes Himself with these words: “I am meek and humble of heart." Are we? Even on the cross Jesus was humble, loving and forgiving. Being gentle should come naturally to all of us who have faith, – being gentle – and nice – is part of Christian life. Keep prayer to God simple – God knows what we need. Pray: "God I will be in your hands and you know best. Your will be done – I accept your will." It is for each of us to discern how to pray. The more quiet we become and the more listening we do, the more we can connect with God in our prayer life and the more peace we will find in our heart with God. Simon and Garfunkel in the 59th Street Bridge Song (Feelin’ Groovy) sang: "Slow down you move too fast, you got to make the morning last…"Definitely a message for so many of us who tend to live our lives in hurry-mode, multi-task, get so impatient in stalled traffic or slow grocery store checkout lines, say "yes" to too many things, etc. We often have no awareness or regard for our limitations but we do try to do it all, whatever it is. We also tend to have a monopoly on guilt for not getting things done well enough, fast enough or at all. I don't remember ever reading or seeing in the Gospels that Jesus was hurrying or worrying. Perhaps we can make room for God in our life, trust that He is with us, loves us and will never leave us, and reset our priorities so we can do less hurrying and more visiting with God in our hearts and souls. "I thank you dear God for a hundred thousand reasons – most of all I thank You and praise You because You are You." Jesus reminds us often about how special we are to Him – we are precious to God – we are everything to Him. No matter what life throws at us, Jesus has the final word and it is "I love you." He died on the cross for each of us – this is the great proof of His love for us. The following prayer was sent to me by the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, Mother of the Church in Baltic, Connecticut:
Good and loving God, in prayer, my heart and mind turn to You, the Source of all life. Fill me with your infinite love, and let my weakness be replaced by Your strength. In all I say and do, guide me in ways that are right and just. Direct my hands to do your work. Let me be an instrument of healing and reconciliation, that my actions may offer compassion to all people. Touch my heart, Lord, that I may be a channel of your infinite love, especially for the poor and suffering. Inspire me to draw close to you in times of need, and help me to lead others to you by my good example. Most loving Heart of Jesus, grant me health in mind, body and spirit, that I may serve you with all my strength. Bless this life which You have created, and let your Holy Spirit guide me now and always. Amen. "Commitment is doing what you said you would do after the feeling you said it has passed." St. Camillus "You are rewarded not according to your work or your time, but according to the measure of your love." St. Catherine of Siena "Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you." St. Augustine