Random Thoughts and Prayers, by Deacon Sam January 2025
The heart of religion is what we believe and how we behave. We are made for worship. We are called to participate at Mass and not be passive observers. Jesus gave up his life as a sacrifice for all of us. He says that our worth is worth his life. It is difficult to live without purpose. Bob Dylan said, "You've got to serve someone." Jesus said we should serve others–not out of obligation but out of love. This is very personal–we become servants to each other and participate in the very nature of God–who is love. We become closer to others when we bring God into our life and act as he acted and act as he wants us to act eg. by loving the unlovable and forgiving the unforgivable. We are invited to be ambassadors of the Lord with our joy and good example. Knowing God loves us is not enough–we need to live it, experience it in the depths of our being, allow it to change us and then share it. We strive to be fully alive, to live as God wants us to live and to live with holy boldness. Disaster relief and so many other things transcend politics. Whatever happens–we love our neighbor.
- We are very aware at this time in our world's history of the need to love our neighbor and be aware of our obligations to them. We need to expand who our neighbor is. Our sense of love of God has seemed to diminish in western society. Every one of us has a center of our being that motivates us. It is critical for us to keep alive the spirit of hope, love and forgiveness. God is everything and everything points us to God. God is the ultimate Good. Put your heart into everything–your family, your world, your self. Ask yourself:
How did I love today?
Do I love as God loves?
- What does it cost us to be nice? As disciples of Christ let's be gentle to each other–practice being gentle daily. We are not going to be perfect as Jesus is but we can all try to be like Jesus–gentle and humble of heart.
- We all have dreams. Some of them mean nothing and some may convey actual messages. The Lord speaks to us in so many ways. Are we listening? God's messages give us hope, peace and consolation in times of sorrow. Is God speaking to me right now? Do we recognize the presence of Jesus in our lives?
- In the very excellent Christmas movie, "It's a Wonderful Life" we find the message, "No One Is a Failure Who Has Friends." This message is so true for all of us because Jesus is always near each of us and is always our Friend.
Thoughts to Ponder:
- God’s love for us is limitless;
- God deemed us worthy to receive His Son;
- Mary is Christ greatest disciple;
- Worry means that I am afraid that God will get something wrong;
- The greatest blessing we can have is Jesus Christ;
- Usefulness is a measure of a life well-spent–at a job, in a career, as a citizen, with a hobby,
in the home as a spouse or parent, etc.
"Prayer is the best armor we have; it is the key which opens the heart of God."
St. Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
"If you go to extremes, let it be in sweetness, patience, humility and charity."
St. Philip Neri