St. Vincent de Paul of Davis
assistance line: 530-979-4338
How to Donate to St. Vincent dePaul in Davis
We provide urgently needed temporary rental assistance,
utilities assistance, and food.
The St. James Conference of the St. Vincent dePaul Society is a non-profit,
charitable organization under IRS Section 501(c)(3)
Make out a check to “St. Vincent dePaul” and mail it to “St. Vincent dePaul, 1275 B Street, Davis CA 95616”. You can also use your bank’s Bill Pay system.
To send a check by BillPay, all you need is the same information needed for a check. Your bank website will tell you how to have a check sent. This can be one-time or recurring.
Use Popmoney, or Zelle. Send to stvdpdavistreas@gmail.
For “Popmoney” or “Zelle” electronic transfers, do a search in your bank or credit union website to see if it is available. After you set up Popmoney or Zelle on your financial institution’s website or app, all you need to transfer funds to St. Vincent dePaul in Davis is our email address — [email protected]. Also email our Treasurer at [email protected] to let her know it’s coming. This can be one-time or recurring.
Donate a Car or Boat — email stvdpdavistreas@gmail
Donate an unneeded car or boat for a tax credit. Contact our treasurer.
If you want a receipt or annual statement, email our treasurer at [email protected]. ST. JAMES PARISH DOES NOT PROVIDE RECEIPTS OR STATEMENTS FOR ST. VINCENT dePAUL DONATIONS.
The St. Vincent dePaul (SVdP) Conference in Davis, California is housed and sponsored by St. James Catholic Parish in Davis, but is financially separate with a different bank account and Tax ID Number. If you wish to donate to SVdP, you must specifically donate to it. Tax ID: 45-0492351
Today we celebrate the feast of the Epiphany, where the Magi find the newbornking and offer him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
In his homily on the feast of the Epiphany several years ago, Pope Francis reflected onthe Magi who, he said, “personify all those who believe, those who long for God, whoyearn for their home, their heavenly homeland.” They present, he continued, “theimage of all those who in their lives have not let their hearts become anesthetized.
”In the face of a constant barrage of “bad” news in our mass media, it is not surprisingthat we all find ourselves at risk of becoming anesthetized as the Holy Father warned.To avoid such a condition, we must look beyond ourselves and remember that the“bad” news all too often involves good people and many times those in need whohave the least hope of living a happy life. When refugees journey from far away inhopes of bettering their lives, let us pray that our country will not turn its back onthem and, instead, offer them the gift of friendship due to each child of God.Gathered for the Second Vatican Council almost 60 years ago, the world’s CatholicBishops offered this thought in Gaudium et Spes: “The future of humanity lies in thehands of those who are strong enough to provide coming generations with reasonsfor living and hope.
”Thanks to all our parishioners who participated in this year’s St.Joseph Giving Tree and our SVdeP second collection last weekend. Please consider joining our work as many of our oldermembers are losing the energy needed to help those we serve.
For contact information visit our website:
St. Vincent de Paul Society
Help Line: 530-979-4338
If you would like to lend your heart, your mind, your tongue, and your hand to Jesus, consider joining us in our mission of charity. For information, contact St. Vincent De Paul at [email protected]
(530) 304-8089
As you consider your gift to the poor through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, in your heart you will also find the good news of God's love. Donations may be addressed to Society of St. Vincent de Paul 1275 B Street, Davis, CA 95616.